Since our return to school, pupil have been working hard and getting back into the swing of writing all the way across the school. This writing blog will check-in with our year groups and explore what our wonderful writers have been up to.
Year One have been writing a diary based on the story ‘Katie in London’. The children have written a diary entry about the different places Katie and her brother Jack visited in London. I wonder what different places they visited on their day out? Year Two have also been focussing on diary entries since we returned to school. Pupils have been writing their diaries based on the story ‘Man on the Moon’. By using their knowledge of the appropriate features, they have successfully developed and enhanced their understanding of the genre. Year Three have been working on their setting descriptions, inspired by ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ - this week’s focus has been on broadening their knowledge of exciting adjectives, they used thesauruses to find adjectives that would uplevel their sentences. Pupils have been working hard and have been engaged with their learning as well as the tasks at hand. Year Four have been planning and writing a formal, persuasive letter to our local MP (Stephen Metcalf) about the global impact of single-use plastics on the environment and generating various suggestions to recycle in the community. Some of these suggestions have been incredibly resourceful as well as sustainable for environment and local community. This week, Year Five have been planning and writing a formal, persuasive letter to various sources requesting a change to the working week or animal testing policies. Some of the discussions during these sessions have been very interesting and points have been raised and debated about changing various elements of these topics. Year Six pupils have been focussing on their mock SATs this week and during their English time have completed a Reading and SPaG test paper. After the tests, we have resumed our topic of formal letter writing. Pupils have been studying the Nazi persecution of Jewish people during WWII; their historical knowledge has been put into context to write a persuasive piece. They have been tasked with writing a letter (in role as a concerned citizen at the time) to a newspaper, requesting that they expose - to the rest of the world - what is really happening in Germany at that time. Comments are closed.