Annexe Provision
Welcome to East Tilbury Primary Annexe an Alternative Provision supported by Osborne Academy Trust and Thurrock Borough council. Learners receive support with their education from us for a variety of reasons; we are here to help every learner achieve their full potential, working with you to ensure that your child achieves as well as they can to enable them to return to a mainstream education.
Our intention is to provide an individualised learning experience with a creative curriculum in line with the mainstream school. We aim to create a positive climate with high aspirations and high standards of education and care in order that pupils feel safe and secure and reach their full potential. The key to the success of the provision is a shared core ethos running through the provision and the mainstream school each of them, developed by highly experienced leaders and skilled staff at all levels. The strength of the relationships between the staff, pupils, parent and carers is of paramount importance.
Learning is delivered in a thematic approach with a new topic each term;
- Autumn term
- World War II
- Christmas around the world
- Spring term
- Titanic/Egyptians
- Summer term
- Lion the witch and the wardrobe
- The Lorax
Learners have access to appropriate E-safety sessions, as well as British values, creative arts and science enrichment lessons. These are designed to meet the needs of our learners with learning being flexible to meet any issues or concerns which may arise during the time a learner is with us. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is also provided at levels appropriate to the age and maturity of the learner.
Emotional Literacy is taught each afternoon and all day on a Wednesday. Emotional Literacy sessions vary depending on the needs of the learners. Subjects such as PE, swimming (year 3 & Year 6), art, cooking and first aid are delivered with the learning focus being SEMH and the learner’s individual behaviour targets. Targeted Emotional Literacy (TEL) sessions are also delivered for some learners on anger management, rights and responsibilities, transition and self-esteem.
Where other issues arise such as drugs, alcohol, personal health or safeguarding a range of agencies/professionals such as the NSPCC, Police or Fire Service may be brought in to deliver sessions to support the specific needs of our learners.
All our learners have access to the mainstream school and the activities and learning that they experience. This ensures that children continue to develop appropriate social skills and have the opportunity to build positive, healthy relationships with their peers and adults.