On Monday we celebrated our final Year Five curriculum day in the style of a Mini Olympics day. It was an extremely good day and watching the events was exciting. The events that were in the competition were: 60m sprint, 150m hurdle, 1200m long distance, long jump, vortex throw and shot putt. We were prepared with our sports kits (some of us even chose a country to represent and wore those colours), water bottles and raring-to-go spirit. As part of our art lessons, we designed and decorated banners representing our colours as well as Olympics logos and colours. It was fun and inclusive to have so many countries of the world represented. Everyone who took part was dedicated and took their events seriously which was impressive to watch. Our favourite events were long jump because of the distances that the contestants jumped and the 1200m race at the end because it was intense and exciting to observe. Although it drizzled a little, this did not bother us because it cooled everyone down when they were competing in their events. Our class had some fantastic runners, jumpers and throwers; it was outstanding to see how well they did! At the end of the day, we held a closing ceremony where we distributed certificates to the gold, silver and bronze winners for each event, as well as the top three athletes throughout the day. Everyone did so well and we are very proud of their efforts.
History![]() Year 4 have been having lots of fun learning about Egyptians. They recreated mummification using a banana. They then buried it on the field. ![]() In year 1, they have been focusing on the unit ‘The seaside’. They looked at the changes from the past to the present. They then looked at Southend Seafront. Using a timeline, they put key events in order. ![]() Year 3 have been learning about the Romans. They looked at the impacted the Romans had on law, society, time, language and food. GeographyIt has been wonderful to make the most of this amazing weather and welcome back our year one bubble children to our outdoor area. Mrs Smith is back in her happy place, and it's been so lovely for the children to explore, build, bug hunt, bird watch and play games. We have been very lucky to have found slow worms, stag beetles and many more insects. Looking forward to more exploring and planting over the next few weeks. Nature is a great tool to get children to experience not just the wider world but themselves. ![]() This half term Year 1 will be carrying on exploring the topic ‘the seaside’. In art this week we have been looking at sketching and how we can make different tones using a pencil and rubber. We were given some beautiful shells of different shapes and sizes and sketched what we could see in our sketch books. We really focused on the small details and used different tones to make our sketches effective. Art club with Miss Hobbs
In art club so far, we have made scribble drawings and bubble art. At first when the children were told they were going to be making scribble drawings, they thought it was a silly idea. However, we were all very impressed with the outcomes! Year 1 have lots more exciting things to come in the upcoming weeks in art club! This week in English we have travelled back in time to the day after the Great Fire of London in 1666. We have been thinking about how London should be rebuilt so that it a safer place to live. We then created leaflets showcasing features of our design for King Charles 11 to persuade him to use our ideas when he rebuilds the city. In maths, we have been learning about mass. We have enjoyed using the balance scales to compare the mass of different objects. We use mathematical language such as heaviest and lightest to describe a range of objects in relation to one another. During our geography lessons this week, we have been looking at aerial maps. First we explored a variety of maps and identified the key features. Then, we created our own map of London and created our own key to identify important features and landmarks. Some of us even added a compass rose to our maps! On Wednesday, we held our mini Olympics sports day! All of the children showed great sportsmanship and solidarity in supporting their team mates. They should all be very proud of themselves for their efforts.