![]() 6VP Pupil blog In class, we are currently reading a book called Wolven. I enjoy it when the teachers read to us, especially when they do the funny voices for the characters when they are speaking. It gets me on the edge of my seat and actually helps me a lot during English as I pull words out of it and model it into my writing. In English, we are writing our own version of a story called A Vampires Revenge. I love writing stories, especially adventure ones. In fact, I am writing one at home to make use of all the wonderful vocabulary I have learned, which also helps me improve my handwriting. AB In maths, we have been looking at angles. We have been looking at acute, obtuse and reflex angles. We needed a protractor to find out the answers. EA I am really looking forward to science this half term, because it's really interesting to find out different facts about Evolution. SB This week, we have been focusing on the text ‘Escape from Pompeii’. As a class, 3RM have really enjoyed learning about Mount Vesuvius and the eruption which buried the city underground. Following this, we planned a newspaper report to recount the events, including the facts which we have learnt during our English lessons. Miss. Mills is incredibly proud of our handwriting at the moment.
In Music this week we have been exploring instruments. In pairs, we composed our own rhythms and recorded these in 4 beat bars using crotchet, quavers and rests. Finally, on Friday it was St. George’s day. We learnt about the significance of this day and why it is celebrated across the United Kingdom. ![]() Year 1 have been busy learning about primary and secondary colours. They have thoroughly enjoyed mixing different primary colour paints together to make secondary colours. They also experimented with adding more or less of one colour to see the different tones the paints make. ![]() In History, Year 4 have been designing Canopic Jars. These are soon going to be made into a 3D model in a DT lesson and we can’t wait to see the final outcomes! ![]() Year 3 have recently completed Mola art printing using tiles they designed themselves. They look amazing! What we look forward to this term:
This term most of our learning will be around WW1, in Reading Skills we are reading a book called ‘Private Peaceful’; so far, we have read two chapters. Tommo, the main character, tells the story. Sadly, Tommo’s father died in a tragic accident in the forest. During the funeral, Tommo notices a bird flying from the grave, he suggests that it was his father, who always wanted to be a bird; this shows that he believes in reincarnation. I am also looking forward to science this term, ‘Living Things and life processes’, we will learn about the reproduction of plants, animals and humans. Yesterday, we completed observational drawings of leaves and petals from our outdoor environment, which I loved. In Maths, we have been focusing on formal written multiplication and division, consolidating our knowledge of multiples and factors. E.F & N.M 5 NM As we start back at school, after the Easter break, it has been so nice to see the children smiling as they learn and play together. Even though the weather had been a little chilly, the children have still enjoyed their daily mile and play times outside. I love the outdoors, from walks in the woods to days at the beach and I hope that as restrictions begin to lift, we will all be able to enjoy doing the things we love once more. As I look ahead to this summer term, I am extremely excited by the learning opportunities the children have available to them, from learning about the Great Fire of London in year 2 to exploring the Ancient Egyptians in year 4 - there is a lot of exciting learning to take place. I wonder what you are looking forward to over the summer term? I wonder what the children are most looking forward to? Whatever happens in the next fourteen school weeks I am confident that our wonderful staff team and children will all strive to make the best of this academic year and I wish you all a great summer ahead.
I shall leave you with a challenge for this summer term! As a family or individually, see if you can do something this term that you have never done before. Children, it might be to learn to ride your bike without stabilisers, run 1km without stopping or read a whole Harry Potter book. Whatever it might be - however big or small - see if you can do something new to help make this summer term memorable for you. Mr Gowland Deputy Head This week's curriculum blog is about the importance of reading and more specifically the importance of picture books. Over the last few weeks our reading lead, Miss Percival, has been completing some school based research on pupils reading habits both in school and at home. The findings from the research will be included in future blog posts and on our Facebook page. The blog posted below has been written by Oxford Owl and has links to some wonderful picture books for Key Stage 2 children.
https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/blog/picture-books-for-older-readers/?fbclid=IwAR090acE_5mwX5vzX7aRYxiCoIOpInUsBvQbVFX_y9NuawjLvRG_i0Sn49s |