During maths this week, we have been looking at multiples, factors and prime numbers. We have used our knowledge to complete a series of challenge questions and to experiment with different numbers. Whilst, in English, we have been using our chot (chatting and jotting) boxes to help us write our sentence stacks, for our persuasive letter to John Stones. We have been exploring child labour within the sports clothing industry and have been continuing to read the novel ‘Kick’ by Mitch Johnson. In science, we have started to look at our new topic of forces. Last lesson, we discovered that Isaac Newton came up with the theory of gravity when he observed an apple fall from a tree!
REC are very excited to be back at school after the half term break. We have settled straight back into our learning. This week we have been learning about fire fighters, we have done lots of roleplaying and dressed up as firefighters and used skipping ropes as hoses to put out the fire. Some of our grown ups came to school to play some phonics games with us, we really enjoyed showing them what we have been learning. We have been learning some adjectives to use when we are speaking and writing. Here are some of the adjectives that we could remember: hard, reflective, protective, red, heavy and strong. We have had an exciting time changing classes to learn phonics with different children and we have enjoyed getting to know the other teachers even better.
This week in year 1: In Science, we have been learning about the floating and sinking. We discussed what the words float and sink mean. We looked at different objects and discussed whether the objects are floating or sinking. We learnt about the word ‘predict’ and we use this during experiments. We had lots of fun choosing objects round our classroom and predicting if it will float or sink. We finally carried out our experiment by carefully placing the object in the water to see if the object would float or sink. We used the iPads this week to learn about how we can paint using computers. We enjoyed using the online app Paintz to create a self-portrait