This week we have been learning about the Great Fire of London. Did you know that it destroyed 13,200 houses and 87 churches? In English, we have been learning about the parts of a newspaper and have used these to create our own. We had to make sure that we had an exciting headline. Our favourites were ‘London’s burning!’, ‘ Bakery causes chaos!’ and ‘ Fire spreads rapidly’. These are short so that the reader picks up our newspapers to find out more. On Friday, we had to include our favourite facts that we had learnt. Did you know that there had been a drought before the fire started? This meant that the land was really dry, making it easier for the fire to spread.
During outdoor learning we have been discussing how to express our feelings and how we can communicate them in appropriate ways. We have read books about emotions and played games to develop communication with others and establish team work skills and build resilience.
Andy Goldsworthy has inspired us and we made some wonderful pictures using stones with the children working alone, in pairs and then as a whole group activity. They worked together well, negotiating the pattern or picture they wanted to create. Showing great communication skills, solidarity, respect and resilience. We have been very excited to find signs of spring in our school garden area. We have been on spring walks looked at the trees around of school. We spotted many spring flowers and looked at the changes in the trees around our school. Before the Easter break, we had British Science Week, in which we explored the theme of ‘Connections’. Here is what each year group got up to:
Year 4: Welcome to British Science Week! We created posters for the British Science Week Competition and developed a Rube Goldberg Machine! We had fun designing and experimenting with various classroom equipment to see how they would work together to achieve a simple task.
Year 6:
We have been learning about the life and work of the artist and engineer Rube Goldberg, who lived and worked in California and New York in the USA. After experimenting with dominoes and marble runs, we used items found in the classroom and around to produce amazing machines! This term in Year 3, we are looking at Healthy Habits So often, people are telling us to be healthy. What does that actually mean? We were inspired by a video which follows Maya ,a girl similar age to ours , as she learns how to create healthy habits involving her diet, sleep, physical activity, spending less time on her devices, and the value in finding a balance. We know that our wellbeing is influenced by our physical and mental activities, as well as self-care and a balanced diet. We sorted statements into Healthy and Unhealthy habits before coming up with our own statements and posters. Here are the views of pupils in 3NM Thomas M. – They are things your body needs to be healthy and happy. Lilly C. – “Eat tomatoes and strawberries.” “Brush your teeth morning & night” Ronnie S: “Never give up! Do lots of exercise!” Reice F: “keeping my mind and body active through singing and dancing” Faheema O.: “regular reading is a healthy habit because you learn new things” Blake C:”I think a healthy habit is eating fruit and exercising because it makes us strong and healthy.” Isla W: ”We need healthy habits to keep ourselves save and it is good to be healthy.” Ronnie J: “healthy mind – believe in yourself” Abigail K: “It is important to exercise my body and eat healthy!” Elsie-Mae S: ”Drink water every day and eat fruit and vegetables the colours of a rainbow.” Kaitlyn D:” You should do lots of exercise and eat healthy foods.” Carlyle R: “Being healthy helps our learning and mental wellbeing.” |