This week, in Reception, we read the traditional tale, The Three Little Pigs. We came to school to find a crime scene in our classrooms. At the crime scene were footprints, straw, sticks and bricks. This quickly led us to think that the footprints must belong to the big bad wolf and left them after he had blown down two of the three pigs’ houses. We spent the week engaging in activities that would help us confirm that he was the culprit, including recording clues that we could see, creating wanted posters and cracking codes.
In maths, we focussed our learning on weight. We learned the different vocabulary related to weight - heavy, light, heavier, lighter, heaviest, and lightest. Through the week, we engaged in lots of practical activities that allowed us to explore the weights of different objects and made comparisons using the mathematical language. For topic, we conducted an experiment where we explored objects and what we could, or could not, huff and puff and blow over with balloon pumps. Daisy – My favourite traditional tale is The Three Little Pigs. It starts with, ‘once upon a time’. Leo – Weight means heavy and light things. This week we have been celebrating British Science Week and exploring this year’s theme of ‘Innovating for the Future’. Children have enjoyed researching and experimenting with world-changing innovations of the past. They also designed their own innovations for the future; following a year group brief. The most creative and imaginative innovations will be entered into a school competition and submitted to the Little Inventors website. EYFS learned about what an invention is and focused on the invention of purifying water. They carried out a Science experiment as a class to make a water purifier, creating different layers using cotton wool, sand, rocks and pasta to work as filters. ![]() Year 1 braved the windy weather to use binoculars and magnifying glasses; learning about Galileo Galilei and how lenses help us to see things that are far away – they even made their own binoculars or telescopes out of toilet rolls! ![]() Year 2 looked at the invention of space food; discussing some of the difficulties astronauts face when eating in space and how scientists have worked to overcome these challenges. The children then received a mission from Tim Peak to design their own space meals. They also designed an invention for living on Mars. ![]() Year 3 explored environmental innovations in their topic of forests – understanding how drones can help to replant trees lost to deforestation. They also used creativity in developing their own innovations; inventing alarm clocks that they couldn’t ignore! ![]() Year 4 considered the impact of the innovation of electricity; how it has changed our lives and our environment. In looking to the future, they also investigated the positives and negatives of renewable energy sources, focus ![]() Year 5 also explored innovations relating to space, and began making papier mache planets to create their own solar systems. They also designed imaginative inventions to make sad people happy. ![]() Year 6 researched the historical legacy and innovations of the Ancient Greeks, using their research to create a class book. They also experimented with innovation in their science topic of the human body; testing blood group compatibility using coloured water. |