Over the past couple of weeks our focus in maths has been on time. We have recapped our understanding of o’clock and half past, extending our learning onto both reading and writing the time to signify both quarter past and quarter to the hour. As we move into the next term, our learning will move onto reading time in 5 minute intervals, as well as reading the 24 hour clock. If you would like to practise this with your children at home prior to the final term, please feel free to do so. It is vital that children are given the opportunity to practise reading and telling the time both in school and at home to ensure these skills are embedded within their everyday lives.
This term in English our focus has been on securing our understanding of basic punctuation, including capital letters for names and places and full stops. We have been regularly reading over our work to ensure that we can become punctuation detectives, noticing errors and correcting them within the lesson before moving on. I am so pleased with the improvement the children have made with their handwriting, which has helped them to take more care with both the layout and presentation of their work. In Science, we have been planning in lots of opportunities for the children to become more hands on with their learning with a focus on scientific enquiry. Our unit for the Summer term is light and as a result of this, our investigations have been focused on investigating reflection and the formation of shadows. The children have enjoyed collecting and recording they results to enhance their understanding of these areas of learning. Comments are closed.