This term in year 1, we have been working as part of a team to develop our logical thinking and communication skills. We started off by working together playing team games by passing different balls down the line in a variety of fun ways including up and over, passing side to side and how far the ball would go through our legs without stopping it. We’ve practised our balancing by placing bean bags on different parts of our body whilst moving around the room. We had to work as a team, making sure our team all balanced their bean bag in a different way. One of our favourite activities has been the team challenge games. We were set challenges for our team to travel from one side of the hall to the other. However, we had to stay inside the hoops so we didn’t fall into ‘the swamp’! Some of us used them as boats whilst others used them as stepping stones. The biggest challenge was to get the whole team safely across the swamp when we could only use our two hoops as stepping stones, with only three people allowed in the hoops at one time. We had to really think about this logically in our team and talk through the different ways we could do it! Some of us were successful, working out that we could take three people across, leave two on the other side before one person went back to collect the other remaining two! Next week, we will have a similar challenge but with other equipment to use to move across the swamp whilst carrying different size balls, bean bags and relay batons. Our communication and cooperation skills, which are important elements of team games, have really improved this term.
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