Science blog – 18.01.23
It is great to see all of the children back after a lovely Christmas break, ready to learn and excited for their new science topics. In Year 1 this term the children will be exploring the topic of Animals including humans. They can look forward to identifying, grouping and classifying animals based on characteristics such as whether they are a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. This week they are sorting animals into categories of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and insects. In Year 2 they will be venturing into the topic of Everyday materials. They will be identifying and comparing a variety of everyday materials such as wood, metal and plastic. This week they are grouping materials according to their uses. Year 3 children will be exploring the topic of plants. They will be learning to identify and describe the functions of parts of flowering plants and exploring what they need to survive. This week they are setting up an enquiry to investigate ideal conditions plants need to thrive. Year 4 will be exploring sound this half term. They will be identifying how sounds are made and find patterns between volume, pitch and the object producing it. This week they are conducting an experiment involving sound and vibration patterns of rice. In Year 5 this half term the children will be learning about forces. They will learn about forces including gravity, air resistance and friction. This week they will be introduced to a variety of forces, and understand how they affect us. Year 6 will also be learning about Animals including humans this term. They will be building on their prior knowledge and venturing into the circulatory system. They will learn what the main components of the circulatory system are and explore how exercise can affect it. This week they are using marshmallows and cocktail sticks to measure their pulse. Comments are closed.