the start of every school year, pupils from Y1 to Y6 begin their maths learning by looking at place value. A selection of learning they do within this unit of work: Y1 work to secure their knowledge of place value within 10; Y2 work with numbers to 20, then 50 then 100 and have a focus on part/whole models (partitioning numbers); Y3 work with numbers up to 1,000; Y4 learn about numbers up to 10,000, round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000 and are introduced to Roman Numerals; Y5 compare and order numbers to 100,000, continue to work on rounding numbers and further develop their understanding of negative numbers; Y6 improve their knowledge and understanding of numbers to 10,000,000, adding and subtracting negative numbers and rounding numbers.
Pupils then move on to working with some or all of the ‘four rules’ of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. If you would like to look in more detail at the Schemes of Learning we follow in our maths teaching and learning, you can visit our school website or look at this area of the White Rose Maths website: Here are examples of work from Y2 and Y6: Comments are closed.