6LC’s Walk to explore our local environment
Last week, 6LC went on a 2 mile walk through the ‘land beyond the school field’ which is being developed into a public nature reserve. This is the third walk they've been on, choosing a different pathway each time. On our walks, we have seen evidence of horses and foxes through the paw prints and trails that have been left in the mud. Also, we’ve heard the sweet birdsong of the skylark. Last week, we started to see the sights of spring with the beginning of the catkins coming out on the silver birch trees and leaf buds starting to open on some trees. We’ve even made it as far as the seawall and seen different types of ships that are travelling down the River Thames to the Thames Gateway Port. During the walks, the children have had the opportunity to assess the risk assessment and discuss how these are created and adapted for different activities. They’ve also taken some great pictures of different sights they have seen and things in the environment that have wowed them. Comments are closed.