Hello All,
It's good to be back from maternity leave and see everyone again. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my first week back at ETPS. I’m pleased to see good attendance at sports clubs and hope to see this continue and increase as we commence our summer term sports after February half term. This should give us a head start on working towards competing in the remainder of spring and summer term Thurrock SSP competitions. We have the following events lined up for the remainder of the school year- Sports hall athletics, cross country for years 3/4 and 5/6, tag rugby years 3/4, year 5/6 netball rally, KS2 girls' and boys' cricket, Rounders, Quad kids for KS1 and KS2 and of course the borough Olympics at the end of the summer term. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school, Appropriate footwear, change of socks (girls cannot wear tights for PE), shorts/ jogging bottoms, white t shirt and a jumper for outdoor PE. Thank you Mrs Russo- PE lead Comments are closed.