This year in year 6 has been different due to the covid pandemic, today I will be telling you what we have been doing since the start of this term.
First I'll start with English. We have been exploring the flanimal planets and the Land of Neverbelieve. We are also going to look at Maths, we have been looking at: pie charts with percentages, parts of circles, angles and fractions. Last but not least the leavers’ play, it’s going to be different this year because it will be recorded, but everyone has worked hard and we can't wait to perform! By Folashade In year 6, we have experienced amazing things and since we are leaving soon we would like to share our amazing times through our lessons. English: In English today we have been watching recorded lessons by our secondary schools because sadly our transition week was cancelled, English is a lesson where we learn so many different things such as writing, analysing features, collecting evidence and finally, improving our editing skills. Today's lesson was about storytelling. We were talking about how stories have developed and changed after a few or more years, and how stories can be produced in different ways. After learning about that we were told to compare and use traditional stories such as Little Red Riding Hood , Rapunzel , Hansel and Grettl and Cinderella. Finally after all that we wrote introduction paragraphs to one of those story options. Maths: In maths we have also been watching recorded lessons by our secondary schools. Maths is a lesson that challenges our minds into calculating everyday things such as time, rulers, cooking, shopping such as litres and measurements and so on. In maths today we are learning about percentages of a number and a new word called VAT that stands for value added tax which is basically money that goes to the government. Rehearsals: Since the end of the year is coming soon, we have been rehearsing our fun end of year performance about covid and how the world changed because of covid. SPOILER ALERT ! ‘It's super funny!’ We have been rehearsing everyday and planning costumes/props. It will be a surprise, I assure you that it will be an amazing experience. There are about 1-25 roles in the play. This play will be recorded and will be put on East Tilbury facebook page. The reason it will be put on video is because the government is trying their best to make sure everyone is social distancing and keeping safe from the virus. Most of the time we rehearse in our scenes. Science: Science is full of amazing experiences and experiments too. In science today we are quickly recapping our science year 7 things, we will be doing a lot of experiments more than you will ever do in primary school. There are many more lessons other than maths, English and science that are incredibly important and enjoyable. By Funmi The book we have been reading is called Murder Most Ladylike, though Ms Coldwells gave me permission to read a different book, called Millions, which is about a boy called Damian, who believes in saints and likes to read about them and discover some of the many miracles they can do, he even wants to become a saint one day, which is why he sleeps in a hermitage, with visitors such as St Francis arriving from time to time in the form of visions. He has a brother called Anthony, who has some...particular qualities, such as getting people to believe his lies, and getting anything with the excuse “Our/My mum is dead”. In English, we have been doing non-chronological reports on our own animals, including hybrids that we made up, such as the Giant Starboon, a mix of an asian giant hornet, a baboon and a starfish, we even made our own ‘flanimals’, like my Spotly Spurflo, which is a flanimal which has an organ that explodes whenever eaten by a predator. In Maths, we have been doing a project about baking, where we have to work out things such as: how much of something we need, like 2 eggs or 500g of butter; volume, like how much space you would need in a box to fit, let’s say, 6 muffins, without any of them squashing too much and breaking. I am very excited to do more Computing, as I felt that we haven’t done as much of that as we need to, we’ve only remastered and updated some of our models on SketchUp and learnt about how to stay safe online. However, our teacher, Ms Coldwells, has explained that we are going to have an entire curriculum day dedicated to Computing. Then there’s the play that we’re doing, called ‘Wow, What a Year!’ which I am ecstatic about, I’ve learned all my lines and all the songs, plus all the actions, and the play overall is just really funny, a good example being in a scene talking about homeschooling, when a mum stressed about work and supervising her kids accidentally calls a subordinating conjunction a ‘conjuncticating submarine’. We are currently starting the virtual transition into St Clares, or if you aren’t going there, you would work with Ms Martin on your own activities. Ilias Comments are closed.