Some pupils from 6JM have shared their thoughts since returning after Easter:
I found Easter School rather fun, there were a few things I needed help with but I found it quite easy. I like the fact that we were in small groups and I found that easier to help me learn. I found coming back to school okay although I don’t like getting up that early. I’m looking forward to English and Music this term as last term it was really fun so it could’ve even better this term! LP I found easter school different and fun because you had a new teacher for the week. I liked how easter school was one-to-one and in smaller groups so I can concentrate. I have found doing maths much easier for me after easter school. I am looking forward to sats being easier and our leaver’s play. SWC What I liked at Easter school was that it was very calm and chill and I didn’t feel like I needed to get the answers correct and my teacher in the group that I was in helped me understand my mistakes when I did get a question wrong. I feel more confident in maths because of Easter school and I have enjoyed coming back and seeing the teachers and seeing my friends. It has also helped me get back into routine. I have been really looking forward to camping on the field since year four. I have seen year six doing it and I have been excited ever since. I am a bit nervous for the SATs but I know all I can do is try my best. I am also excited to see who the new prefects are. MS I found Easter school helpful and fun at the same time because our teachers were really explaining things well and correcting our mistakes but it was also fun with all the games and activities. I found coming back to school easy because the Easter school was like a little warm up before settling back into the school routine. I'm looking forward to SATS so all our hard work would be put to good use and afterwards we get to do lots of fun things as a reward. GR Easter school was amazing. We did lots of fun things like getting a biscuit break with bourbons, shortbread, custard-creams. What I liked about easter school is that we did lots of maths related games and even blooket at the end of the day for 15 minutes. I have found being back at school really easy now that I've gone to Easter school and my maths has improved. I’m looking forward to learning about human evolution, bata factory and English. JF I found Easter school interesting, I got to solve questions I could use to challenge myself. What I liked about easter school is the fact that it got me to practise more for the upcoming SATs. I have found coming back to school fun: seeing my friends, seeing the teachers, learning new topics and lot more. I am looking forward to becoming a prefect, becoming the best student at East Tilbury, SATs and camping on the field for the year 6 graduation/leavers. BB I came back to school with a smile because I saw all my friends again. DV Easter school was good as I learnt about fractions and decimal places. We also were in different groups, which was cool as we were in groups of five or six. I’m looking forward to cricket in PE as I enjoy it the most. I’m also looking forward to history - we are going to learn about Bata which is going to be interesting. PN Comments are closed.