In English, I enjoy writing due to the fact that I love writing stories and books and novels. When writing, I get the chance to exercise my ability to write better. The Write Stuff (our new writing scheme) helps most of my classmates with structuring our work out and building our piece of writing up. We have the opportunity to add figurative language to our writing during the lessons. Although I like the Write Stuff a lot, I’m having to get a little more comfortable with seeing some empty space on pages as we use double page spreads in lessons. Another reason I like writing in school is because sometimes the teacher allows us to finish our texts by ourselves and we can let our imagination roam freely. In addition to writing stories, in English we learn different types of writing like: sonnets, limericks and others. In Handwriting, we have been recapping prefixes and suffixes, my new favourite word is antidisestablishmentarianism!
In Art, we are studying Paul Nash and his landscapes; Paul Nash was a certified World War 1 and World War 2 artist. Paul Nash was first a landscape artist and some of his famous paintings are the Wittenham Clumps. However, after being a soldier in WW1, he became traumatised and began drawing dystopian paintings. He once said, ‘I’m no longer an artist. I’m a messenger to those who want this war to go on forever… and may it burn their lousy souls.’ The other day, we drew our classroom, in any way, and I drew my classroom as if we lived in the 1984 universe. Today (4th July 2023) we were drawing a top-notch drawing of our classroom and then we are going to draw a random object (like paintings in Paul Nashe’s style) and then we are going to stick that object in (the drawing, not the object). In Maths, we are currently consolidating our knowledge of measurements. We explored Imperial Measurements the other day such as: Stone to Kilogram, Pounds to Kilogram and inches to Metres and vice versa. Also we are revising measurements of time. We are also recapping decimals in preparation for SATS. By JM in 5JP Comments are closed.