This term in Year 3, we are looking at Healthy Habits So often, people are telling us to be healthy. What does that actually mean? We were inspired by a video which follows Maya ,a girl similar age to ours , as she learns how to create healthy habits involving her diet, sleep, physical activity, spending less time on her devices, and the value in finding a balance. We know that our wellbeing is influenced by our physical and mental activities, as well as self-care and a balanced diet. We sorted statements into Healthy and Unhealthy habits before coming up with our own statements and posters. ![]() Here are the views of pupils in 3NM Thomas M. – They are things your body needs to be healthy and happy. Lilly C. – “Eat tomatoes and strawberries.” “Brush your teeth morning & night” Ronnie S: “Never give up! Do lots of exercise!” Reice F: “keeping my mind and body active through singing and dancing” Faheema O.: “regular reading is a healthy habit because you learn new things” Blake C:”I think a healthy habit is eating fruit and exercising because it makes us strong and healthy.” Isla W: ”We need healthy habits to keep ourselves save and it is good to be healthy.” Ronnie J: “healthy mind – believe in yourself” Abigail K: “It is important to exercise my body and eat healthy!” Elsie-Mae S: ”Drink water every day and eat fruit and vegetables the colours of a rainbow.” Kaitlyn D:” You should do lots of exercise and eat healthy foods.” Carlyle R: “Being healthy helps our learning and mental wellbeing.” Comments are closed.