This week in Year 5, we have enjoyed learning through exploration and investigations. In Science, we are focusing on the force of Air Resistance and pupils worked in groups to create a parachute for an egg, varying the size and material of the parachute. They used bin bags, paper plates, balloons, materials and paper. They were able to predict which parachute would protect the egg after being dropped from a high point in the playground and record their observations. In Computing, the pupils were introduced to a new unit- working with Crumble controllers. They managed to create a simple circuit and connect it to a microcontroller and program a microcontroller to make an LED switch on. In PSHE, pupils were able to create a digital powerpoint presentation on ways in which we can protect the environment. Not only was this a chance to improve on their digital literacy skills but revise various ways in which our habits are harmful to the environment and what we can do as a collective in the community to help. Comments are closed.