We had an exciting week this week! In English we have been learning about police officers and their vehicles. We learnt that police officers do many things as part of their job such as investigate crime, attend emergencies and help teach children how to keep safe. We were excited to meet two Essex Police Office when they came to visit us at our school. We had lots of fun when the officers let us wear some of their uniform. They also bought their police car along and let us sit in their car. The officers explained to us about the blue lights and sirens. It was amazing when they let us turn on the blue lights and siren. It has been an exciting first week back to school!
This week in English, we have been learning all about firefighters and fire engines. We discussed how firefighters need to train to make sure they are fit, healthy and extremely strong to carry out their duties. We enjoyed working with our friends to show each other how firefighters train. We enjoyed using our imagination and pretend playing wearing bulky clothing, helmets, heavy boots and pulling heavy equipment. We also had fun role playing dragging a heavy hose by using skipping ropes and running from one point to another putting out fire. In Maths this week, we enjoyed singing along to the Finger Family. The Finger Family brought us some wrapping paper to use, and we enjoyed using the wrapping paper to learn about repeating patterns. We were able to describe how the yellow and red colours repeat to form a pattern. We used our sentence structure to describe our pattern. We were able to say ‘The pattern is red, yellow, red, yellow, red, yellow.' ‘I’ve liked drawing firework picture’ Edie-Marie
‘I have liked logging on to the computers by myself and making pictures. I drew a love heart and a beach.’ Esmai ‘I like drawing cars in continuous provision’ Teddie ‘In maths, we have been sorting shapes. I know cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder and cone’ Grayson ‘I liked learning about similes’ Evie ‘I liked drawing the different lines.’ Louisa ‘We learnt about diagonal lines’ Poppy |